Weight Loss Mastery


Weight Loss Mastery is the most comprehensive online course and coaching program ever created to help you lose weight quickly and keep it off forever.

Weight Loss Mastery is the only program of its kind created by a team of board certified doctors, registered dietitians, personal trainers, mindset coaches, and culinary dietitians that shows you how to lose weight once and for all without needing to rely on crazy restrictive diet plans, hours of exercise or will power so that you can start seeing results that actually last. All with unparalleled support through live coaching with an entire team of experts.

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Before I tell you All About This Life Changing Program, Let’s Talk About Who This Is Really For:

Whether You’re

  • A chronic dieter who feels they have “tried everything” and haven’t seen results that last
  • An emotional eater who feels that eating out of boredom, stress, anxiety or overwhelm derails your health plans
  • A busy professional who doesn’t have the time or energy to exercise
  • A tired and overwhelmed Mom who wants to get off the weight loss hamster wheel without spending a lot of time in the kitchen

You are in the right place and I’m going to tell you exactly how Weight Loss Mastery will give you the tools, inspiration and unparalleled support on your journey to losing weight once and for all.

Join Now

By the End of This Program You Will Have:

  1. Clarity on your health goals and a CLEAR roadmap for achieving them

  2. Become a master at managing your mind so you no longer struggle with consistency or motivation

  3. Understood underlying causes of weight gain and how to overcome them

  4. Lost weight quickly and know how to overcome any weight loss plateau’s without giving up your favorite foods

  5. Learn the psychology of eating so you can overcome urges, binges, and cravings confidently

  6. A world class education on nutrition so you are never confused by messages of what to eat

 We’ve done weight loss before… everything from eating one meal a day to crazy shakes…. What we needed was a lifestyle transformation

-Luis and Amanda

When my small shirt becomes my big shirt…. I’ve lost 70lbs! I am grateful.



-Don and Harriet lost 160 lbs together - they are wearing the same size clothing they wore 30 years ago!

What’s Inside:


Review the benefits and what’s inside each module

Module 1:

Understanding Your Health and Your Why


Achieving your health goals takes clarity in knowing what they are. First we will figure out your WHY so we can create a strong mental foundation.  Then we are going to get crystal clear on how much weight you want to lose, what health outcomes you want to see and develop a clear roadmap for getting there in the SHORTEST amount of time. You will know the best ways to track your progress so you don’t feel stuck or unsure about where you are going.

We will explore what potential medical issues could be driving your weight gain and what to do about it. 



  • Understand your WHY so you are unstoppable for weight loss success no matter the obstacle

  • Learn how to set smart weight loss goals and the best way to track your progress
  • Navigate the most important food and health questionnaires to discover hidden medical issues that could be driving your weight gain

  • Learn a simple step by step process so you will maximize your weight loss in short amount of time

Module 2:

How to Lose Weight Quickly…. Even If You Feel Like You Live in a Hotel Room or Airport!

Here’s where it really pays to learn from someone who has specialized in weight loss and treated thousands of patients – I know what mistakes people commonly make and why.  We will walk you through the most important things to focus on so you can see results, not frustration.  We will show you how to get away from fad diets and common marketing messages and boil down the science of what really works.  We will show you the fastest route to your goals whether you want to lose 30 lbs or 100 lbs.  You will access to our most popular meal templates that lets you easily add in foods you love and show you how to curate your plate no matter what cuisine you are eating.    We will talk about how to design you diet so you are not struggling with hunger and how to lose weight even if you eat out for EVERY meal.    


  • Learn the Holy Grail of Weight Loss – the 5 key factors to focus on and when so you can be sure your hard work pays off without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated
  • Personalized “lick your fingers good meal plan” that’s so good it’ll be easier to follow that eating what you used to “cheat with and cost less

  • Create a simple eating system that makes food enjoyable and doesn’t rely on will power
  • Discover the best “cutting calories” hacks so you enjoy your food without spending hours counting calories or struggling with hunger

  • See how to make healthy changes last forever
  • Our popular “weight loss for travel” blueprint so you can lose weight even if you eat out for every meal

Module 3:

The Psychology of Why We Eat


Raise your hand if you have this problem: You’ve tried every diet plan or cleanse out there, but still struggle with losing weight permanently.  It feels like some event or person gets in your way and knocks you off course, and you struggle to get back on track.  Before you know it you are gaining weight back just by looking at food.

We get it.  We’ve helped thousands of people get off the weight loss hamster wheel by understanding the psychology of eating. 

That’s why in module 3, you will discover how emotions can make or break your weight loss plan.

You will not just do a deep dive into understanding emotional hunger, but learn to master any cravings and urges. 


  • Reshape how you think and deal with negative emotion such as deprivation, stress and anxiety so these don’t sabotage your success
  • Implement a simple strategy to set up of your environment for success so you mindlessly undereat
  • Learn the tools to process urges and cravings so you have authority over them

Module 4:


Now that you are on your way to hitting your weight loss goals and you know how to manage uncomfortable feelings and emotions around food and cravings, you are ready to master nutrition like a pro. 

Here you will find freedom and confidence in knowledge.  You will understand food so you don’t need another diet plan ever again.  You will be able to finally decode confusing nutrition messages and know which foods are the best to eat based on your health goals.  This is a masters class in nutrition and the info here is what you will pass on to your children for generations.



  • Review our comprehensive guide to understanding the key components of healthy eating
  • Discover how to make buying healthy food easy and enjoyable so that anyone can do it (especially busy moms!)
  • Learn which foods are best for weight loss and reversing problems like diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease so you can start coming off your medications
  • Never be fueled by another food marketing message again

Module 5:

Mind Management

This module is worth an entire course on its own and it’s one of my favorites because it is so mind blowing (literally)!  In this module you will learn how to overcome ANY obstacle in life by utilizing a system to understand how we create whatever results we want in life.  You will hear from our amazing mindset coaches who have helped thousands of people end yo yo dieting.


  • Learn how to stop sabotaging your goals by understanding how our thoughts and feelings impact our actions and results

  • Create an intentional model for YOU to achieve your weight loss dreams

  • Drop perfection mentality so you can finally find long term success

Module 6:

Getting into the Kitchen and Mastering It


Whether you feel uncomfortable when you think of the word cooking or are already the chef of the house, we are going to level up your knowledge of time efficient cooking.  We think of it as any basic life skill to learn.   We will remove a lot of the overwhelm associated with cooking by showing you hacks that save lots of time and energy as well as review how to make any recipe healthier.


  • Get a list of the most essential items to have in your kitchen and pantry to make cooking easy, fun and fast

  • Learn how to cook 5 min meals even kids will enjoy
  • Discover how to make a variety of cuisines quickly, from Mediterranean, African, Indian, Mexican and Asian Food
  • Learn our top cooking hacks for making recipes healthier and with less calories

Module 7:

Meal Prep


Have you tried meal prepping on the weekends to be “that healthy person” then just gave up after a few weeks because it was too time consuming? 

Or are you annoyed that you did spend hours in the kitchen but come end of the week, you just want to eat a pizza because you are tired of eating the same thing?

In this module we show you how to meal prep quickly and efficiently by taking a lot of the thinking out of meal prep.  By showing you tried and true strategies that save you hours in the kitchen, we show you that ANYONE can meal prep FAST, whether you are a busy working mom of multiple kids or have a crazy demanding schedule.


  • Explore different meal prep styles to determine which time saving hacks and routines best suite your busy schedule

  • Nail down your meal staples and learn how to add variety effortlessly using “everything” sauces, dressings, and pantry must have’s
  • Comb through our master list of time efficient meals the whole family will love

  • Use our DIY guide on meal planning in under 10 mins each week

Module 8:



Congrats and rejoice!  You did it! Now that you’ve hit some weight loss goals, mastered nutrition (you even got a nutrition certificate!) and conquered your urges and cravings.  You are version 2.0 of yourself.  As we hope you continue to practice the concepts outlined in this course, in this module you will  discover how to overcome any weight loss plateau, learn exactly what to eat to keep the weight off, the best exercises for maintenance, and clear steps to take if and when you regain any amount of weight back.


  • Identify if you are in weight loss plateau and how to overcome it

  • Devise your maintenance food AND workout plan
  • Recognize exactly what steps to take for weight regain, depending on the amount

Module 9:

Move It and Shake It


This module will get you started with exercise even if you haven’t done any in decades or show you how to adjust your exercise to burn more fat without risking injury.  You’ll understand the main categories of exercise, how much to do and how often, and learn common myths.  It will get you moving and shaking, even if you have any kind of joint pain, I promise!


  • Explore the main exercise categories including strength training, aerobic training, stretching and HIT and identify which ones to emphasize based on your health goals

  • Learn the best exercises for joint pain and arthritis

  • Uncover common exercise myths and recognize what’s actually true

  • Find out the easiest way to build an exercise habit so you can keep moving no matter where you are


When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you get:

 (A $10,000 value)


  • 9 implementation modules showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to lose weight permanently and get off your medications
  • 12 weeks of access to “Keep it off Doc's Inner Circle” where you will experience live weekly coaching from our entire team of experts (Doctors, dietitians, culinary experts, mindset coaches and personal trainers)

  • A complete step by step guide to losing weight, whether its 30 lbs or 300 lbs, including easy to follow meal plans, secrets to overcome plateau’s, and learning key focus areas to maintain weight off for good

  • fool proof system for managing your emotions so you can overcome any urges, cravings, or anxieties around food

  • A comprehensive nutrition course so good you even get a certificate!  It’s knowledge you will want to pass on for generations

  • Learn to be a kitchen boss by cooking fast and easy healthy meals from around the world, with key meal prep strategies so you don’t spend hours near your stove


You’ll be given access to one module per week so that you have ample time to dive into the lessons and execute that portion BEFORE moving on to the next.

We do this to protect your precious time, attention and focus while sparing you feelings of overwhelm that stops people from achieving their dream body.

A One-Time Payment of





6 Monthly Payments of




This is what you get in..

Weight Loss Mastery


  • 9 implementation modules showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to lose weight permanently and get off your medications
  • 12 weeks of access to “Keep It Off Inner Circle” where you will experience live weekly coaching from our entire team of experts (doctors, dietitians, culinary experts, mindset coaches and personal trainers)

  • A complete step by step guide to losing weight, whether its 30 lbs or 300 lbs, including easy to follow meal plans, secrets to overcome plateau’s, and learning key focus areas to maintain weight off for good

  • A fool proof system for managing your emotions so you can overcome any urges, cravings, or anxieties around food

  • A comprehensive nutrition course so good you even get a certificate!  It’s knowledge you will want to pass on for generations

  • Learn to be a kitchen boss by cooking fast and easy healthy meals from around the world, with key meal prep strategies so you don’t spend hours near your stove


Frequently Asked Questions